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- Star Wars Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Installation
- Star Wars Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Install On Pc
Star Wars Battlefront II Conversion Pack 2.0Feb 27, 2009 19:35:18 GMT 1
- To install it, you must have installed Conversion Pack 1.9.1 and / or Unofficial Patch 1.3. For some users, Conversion Pack 2.0 must be installed. Although it should not interfere with any older versions of BFX, I suggest that you uninstall them before installing this version, to avoid any potential problems.
- This is the beta for the Star Wars Battlefront: Tides of War era mod on the stock Endor map. Play as the customized sides of the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire on the stock Endor map, features include class customization.
- The Conversion Pack is a comprehensive add-on to the original Battlefront II. It adds 25 new maps - including all of the maps from Battlefront 1 not originally featured in Battlefront 2, 5 new gamemodes, a new era, and a substantial amount of expanded.
'Steps to Install: -2) Install SWBF2 (also highly recommended:P) -1) Install the official v1.1 patch (highly recommended) 0) Skim/read the 'Installation Problems and Notes' at the bottom of this file. Way to win at roulette. Lock phone from apple watch. Its issues are ordered by importance. Elite 3.0r power meter manual. Schwab streetsmart edge for mac. Lucky star review. 1) Uninstall any old version of the v1.3 patch and delete its files/folders.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Reddit

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Installation
Post by Jos Nelsh on Feb 27, 2009 19:35:18 GMT 1
This is for all you Battlefront 2 owners.
There's a mod out for Star Wars Battlefront 2, called 'Conversion Pack 2.0'.
First off: It's a 754.75 MB download, so I guess you'll really need high speed internet for this.
It's an awesome mod that adds a lot to the game.
First off, there's a whole new set of maps, PLUS all the original maps for Battlefront 1 converted to SWBF2, so you can now play all your favourite levels from the first game with the Jedi Heroes and Villains! They also added some huge land battle maps, with (unlike some of the original maps) PLENTY flying space (!!!), and awesome craft such as several types of Jedi Starfighters that fly like a dream, and that cool new speeder bike from the new Clone Wars series.
Second, there's a whole bunch of new fighters and transports; the Republic now has the V-19 Torrent starfighter, the Rebels get the B-Wing! (The B-Wing flies like a dream! ;D ;D ;D) The Imperials get the TIE-Defender. there's more but I don't know off the top of my head. (Unfortunately the readme doesn't list the new features).
They also added some new types of games, like 2 flag CTF and one flag CTF, Campaign mode (Which lets you play the level like in the single player game mode (Think Order 66 etc.), dogfighting matches for space levels (!!!), etc. etc. Can you picture me flying that B-wing like the madman that I am? ;D
Well, here you go.
They also added the assault mode to a lot of levels, so you can play with all the heroes and villains in lots of levels! What's really cool is that some maps have special battles; you can now play 'Jedi vs. Clones' in the Jedi Temple, for example. I think it even has a realistic setting so the clones FAR outnumber the Jedi. So if you're with the Jedi you really need to give it all you have. And if you're with the clones, well, you' re going to need a LOT of backup, haha.
The coolest thing is that they actually added a whole new era to the game! The KotOR era is optional in several levels, and it includes all kinds of sith and republic soldiers, plus all the KotOR heroes and villains from the games, like Carth, Bastila, Mission, Nihilus, Malak, etc. etc.
There's even a space level included from the KotOR era, where you can fly with (the awesome) Sith and Republic craft in the battle at the Star Forge! The textures are a bit crude, but the level delivers in terms of immersion in the KotOR battle. There's also a level onboard the Endar Spire, so you can now actually battle in the corridors of the ship! ;D
Maybe the best addition though is all the new characters. Not all of them are included in assault mode, so I'm still 'discovering' which characters are included in which levels.
Just to drop a few names; so far I've seen: Plo Koon, Luminara Unduli, Quinlan Vos, Cin Drallig, Aurra Sing, Sharad Hett, Asajj Ventress, Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles, Kit Fisto. even some characters from the JKDF2 era! Kyle Katarn (JO version), Jerec and Yun! ;D And loads more. Even all the Republic Commando heroes from Delta Squad are available as special characters!!!! They even carry the anti-armor weapon! ;D Bossk, IG-88, Grand Admiral Thrawn. Ok, you can stop drooling now. Most skins are great, although unfortunately there's just a handful that are of inferior quality such as Zaalbar (disproportionate i.m.o.) and HK-47. (simply a bad model).
Not only the heroes and villains have been added on to, also the Clone regiments now have different skins in every level, so they represent five different legions, so not just the 501st in every level. There are also a lot of new soldier classes for every faction!
And YES! They FINALLY made Coruscant Space available as an 'instant action' level! (I was always frustrated they didn't include that level in the original game except for single player mode!!!)
I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention half of it, but if you can spare the bandwidth and the drivespace, I'd say go for it. This is definitely a mod to have if you love playing the Battlefront games. It's fairly bug-free. Some levels crashed on me first untill I made some minor display setting adjustments (a tip in the readme) and it all works fine now!
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Install On Pc
Author | Assets |
Gametoast.com | A huge thanks to this community for useful guides, links and etc. |
ARC_Commander | Battlefront Extreme 2.2 sources. |
JakeGreen163 | Extracted models from cancelled Star Wars: Battlefront III by Free Radical. |
Deviss | HD Clone models. Magnaguard, Felucians, Umbarans, Weequay, Darth Vader, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Saesee Tiin, Plo Koon, Ferroda, Durge, Skakoan, Trandoshan, Clone Commando, Wookiees, Jedi Temple Guard, Jedi Starfighter, ARC Weapons conversions. |
El_Fabricio | Acclamator, ARC-170, V-Wing, Jedi Fighter, Droid Starfighter conversions. Scope lens and Droideka shield effects. Slave-1 sources. Palpatine conversion and animation. |
ChadBad | Republic and Empire Fightertanks, AT-RT, AAT conversions. |
Sereja | Original BF1 maps: Naboo: Otoh Gunga, Umbara: Shadow Forest, Kohlma: Moon of the Dead, Raxus Prime: Junk Yard, Nar Shaddaa: Vertical City, Tatooine: Spaceport, Endor: Bright Tree Village. |
ArvisTaljik | Arquitens Cruiser, Corellian Corvette models. |
EvilleJedi | CIS Lucrehulk and Munificent models. |
[RDH]Zerted | Unofficial v1.3 Patch. |
AnthonyBF2 | Extended Instant Action options. |
]v[ | +123 Mod sources. |
Secretsociety.com | Vehicles sources. |
Teancum | Conversion Pack sources. |
Icemember | Clone parts and textures. |
ggctuk | B1 Droid models and textures. |
Raigiku | B2 Droid, Episode 2 Anakin and Obi-Wan conversions. |
NeoMarz | Magnaguard, Darth Vader models. Clone parts. |
Hapslash | Anakin, Obi-Wan, Jedi's body, Imperial Officer models. |
Scerendo | Aayla Secura, Twi'lek head models. Weequay skins. |
Ghogiel | Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, AT-AT Driver, Rebel Pilot models. |
AssduffJayKayEl | Stormtrooper textures. |
Apok | Tank Driver helmet model. |
Venator | Tank Driver textures. |
Vade Parvis | Imperial Army Trooper model. |
Maveritchell | Xbox heroes, T-16 Skyhopper. |
AQT | 'Improved' Bespin assets, Trandoshan VO's. |
[GT]Anakin | RC weapon sounds. |
kinetosimpetus | Droid Commando. |
Psyk0Sith | Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kel-Dor head, Coleman Trebor's models. |
Kualan | Luminara, Neimoidian, Jedi Temple Guard models. |
Tompa9 | Cin Drallig model. |
Lopieloo | Kyle Katarn model. |
Zymotico | Jedi Starfighter. |
Kurtis 'KMan' Smith | Skakoan model. |
Seven | Qui-Gon Jinn head. |
DarthPhae | Jerec model. |
ANDEWEGET | XSI ZETools, DC-17m. |
Mr.ProfessorToaster | Vehicle cockpits. |
DarthD.U.C.K. | Electrostuff. |
CdtFox | Clone textures. |
Luke | Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon animation. |
Movie Battles 2 Team | Wookiee models. ARC Weapons. |
Erith | Saesee Tiin's head and hands. |
FragMe | AT-PT sources. |
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Conversion Pack Install